Be Part of the Tower’s Future

Friends of the Genoa Tower, Inc. (“Friends”) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Friends envisions reimagining the nearly 100-year-old Tower as a 21st-century regional tourist hub and local gathering place for Eastern Colorado, a spot for creative activity, social engagement and community, and celebrations of art, music and food.

Friends is now raising funds to create a master plan, bring updated utilities to the site, renovate the Tower buildings and begin programming. We plan to incorporate a museum and gift shop, outdoor and indoor event facilities serving the Tower and greater Lincoln County, a residency program, EV charging stations, camping sites and restroom facilities, and more.

Ways to Donate:


Click our donate button to use PayPal or a credit card

Amazon Smile: go to and select Friends of the Genoa Tower, Inc. as your charity of choice. Each time you shop, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Friends. Remember to use to make your purchases (not

We are a qualified Enterprise Zone Project! Earn a 25% state income tax credit through the East Central Council of Governments Enterprise Zone Contribution Program. Findmore information on this ECCG brochure. To make a contribution, fill out the attached PDF and mail your check to ECCG. EZ Contribution Form PDF

Thank you to our generous funders and sponsors: